Lost Vape Centaurus Q200 Kit with UB Max Pod Tank

नेरू ४,८६४.५०



हरायौ कि हरायो

ब्रान्ड "2 पी आईडी = "2 25" हरायो भ्यापिप

पावर दायरा

" -600 ℉ (100 ℃ -315 ℃)


" 77 "> स्क्रिन पिक्सेल

0.96 INCH, 000 *

शरीरको सामग्री


कोइल सामग्री समर्थित

P आईडी =

ट्या tang14 "114">

-कृस्ताी प्लास्टिक

"121"> 5ML

"127" म्याट रेड कार्बन फाइबर, सियरा निलो कार्बन फाइबर, गोल वेग कोरल

सुविधाहरू "1353"> VAPERURUSEUS Q200 किट विवरण:

1 क्वेस्ट 2.0 चिप 2। 200 MAXEX आउटपुट पावर

3। दोहोरो 1 166500 ब्याट्री

4। प्रकार-C छिटो चार्जिंग

। प्रतिस्थापन साइड प्यानल

। UB MAX कोइल

। समायोज्य एयरफ्लो

8 .. तल-भरिने प्रणाली

। UB म्याग्नेट एडपिटर

111 ">

को प्याकेज UB MAD PODK SKE ले आउँदछ:

1 * 0 0 0.0.1em Mab Moc _ = "212">

1 222 "> p ID = "223"> 1 * प्रयोगकर्ता पुस्तिका = "224">

1 * 227 "> पी आईडी = "228">

1 *





How great it is! The tanks offers a fairly full flavor and great clouds, i really like the built quality and the menu is pretty simple.


Delivery time was longer than I expected, i was pretty frustrated, but thanks to the support team, they led me through the waiting with nice service. The vape itself is decent, but nothing special to be honest. It works fine, but the flavor is not as strong as I had hoped. Considering the delivery time and product performance, I'm not sure if I would purchase from this seller again.


Lost Vape
रंग (विकल्पबाट)
Black Carbon Fiber
Sierra Blue Carbon Fiber
Matt Red Carbon Fiber
Gunmetal Walnut Wood
Gold Teak Wood
SS Teak Wood
Sakura Pink Wave Pastel
Royal Blue Wave Coral
टाइप गर्नुहोस् (विकल्पबाट)
Standard Version